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Table of Contents

  1. Elements of a Good Annual Golf Tournament Flyer
  2. Golf Tournament Flyer
  3. 10+ Annual Golf Tournament Flyer Templates
  4. How to Make a Great Annual Golf Tournament Flyer
  5. Types of Flyers
  6. Sizes of Flyers

10+ Annual Golf Tournament Flyer Designs & Templates

Not everyone appreciates golf simply because they think it isn’t a stressful game. Just because the sport is slow-paced, it doesn’t mean it’s not stressful. For many golfers, this sport is just as tense as any other sport, and golf requires utmost patience and composure for the game to end well. You may also see flyer samples.

A golf tournament is usually put together by either a golf association or an individual who owns a golf course. If you’re either of the two and you’re planning to host a tournament, promote that event using any of the downloadable golf tournament flyer templates below.

Elements of a Good Annual Golf Tournament Flyer

1. Logo and name of organizers: Almost always, a golf tournament is sponsored by an organization for it to be possible, there may even be time wherein the event is being co-sponsored by different organizations. Whatever organization is behind the golf tournament, it is always best to acknowledge them on the flyer, and their logo and name are oftentimes placed on the topmost portion of the layout. The reason behind this is simply to inform readers regarding the identity of the organizations responsible for putting together the event.

2. Headline: Movies have titles, and in the same manner, flyers have a headline which acts as the element that draws people’s attention and notifies them what the flyer might be about. Since the headline is merely a way to introduce audiences to the content of the flyer, it doesn’t need to belong and specific, but it does need to be comprehensible and related to the subject matter. As soon as people get their hands on your flyers, they should right away get the idea that it is intended for promoting a golf tournament.

3. General information: Since the headline is simply the introduction to what is yet to be read, the meat of the flyer is indicated in the general information. In this element, every information that a reader seeks regarding the golf tournament are provided, and this includes the date, time, and the name and address of the golf course. When writing this element, simply make sure that all details are indeed provided and that they are spelled correctly.

4. Fine print: Oftentimes, to save space on the flyer, only the key information are emphasized. However, in order to still provide readers with all the information they need without cluttering up the layout, some of this information is written using smaller fonts. These elements are commonly referred to as the fine print, and despite its size, this element should still be legible enough to the naked eye.

5. Graphical elements: In order to make your golf tournament flyer a lot more visually attractive, it should also contain graphical elements such as images and illustrations, and in this case, these graphics should all be related to the sport, making it a sports flyer. You may want to add a photo of a golf course as your background image, or you may also include a photo of a golfer doing their swing.

6. Contact details: Flyers are meant for providing people with information hoping that the will find those information relevant. In our case here, the flyer is to announce that there is an upcoming golf tournament and that people are invited either as an audience or as a competitor. If a reader wishes to communicate with the organizers, the one place that they will be able to find the information they need is on the contact details, and this should contain more than just the organizer’s phone number, it should also provide alternatives such as the email address, mailing address, and the organizer’s website if they have one.

7. Call to action: The contact details are next to be useless if it is being used by itself, it will often be overlooked and unnoticed. To make your contact details visible, you should also include a call to action on your flyer. This element may be seen as a minor addition to the flyer, but it can help in bringing attention towards your contact details. Other than that, the call to action also informs readers what you are expecting from them, and this will increase the likeliness of being called or having more audiences.

8. Participating organizations: As mentioned earlier, some golf tournaments are being co-sponsored by various organizations, and since the top area is intended for the one organization who made the event possible, the names and logos of the other sponsors should be placed on the bottom-most area of the flyer.

Golf Tournament Flyer

golf tournament flyer

10+ Annual Golf Tournament Flyer Templates

Golf Flyer Template

golf flyer
File Format
  • word
  • publisher
  • indesign
  • ps
  • ai
  • pages
Size: US, A4 inches + Bleed

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Golf Course Flyer Template

golf course flyer template
File Format
  • word
  • publisher
  • indesign
  • ps
  • ai
  • pages
Size: US, A4 inches + Bleed

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Retro Golf Tournament Flyer Design

retro golf tournament flyer design
File Format
  • word
  • publisher
  • indesign
  • ps
  • ai
Size: US

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Simple Golf Tournament Flyer Template

simple golf tournament flyer template
File Format
  • word
  • publisher
  • indesign
  • ps
  • ai
Size: US

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Monochrome Golf Tournament Flyer Design

monochrome golf tournament flyer design
File Format
  • word
  • publisher
  • indesign
  • ps
  • ai
Size: US

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Modern Golf Tournament Flyer Template

modern golf tournament flyer template
File Format
  • ai
  • pages
  • publisher
  • word
  • ps
Size: (US) 8.5×11 inches

Free Download

Creative Golf Tournament Flyer

tee off golf tournament flyer


Golf Tournament Flyer Design

golf tournament flyer design


How to Make a Great Annual Golf Tournament Flyer

1. Identify your target audience: Since flyers are almost always distributed by hand to a crowd, you will need to identify a specific crowd that you will give your flyers to this particular crowd is otherwise known as the target audience. You should design your flyers in such a way that it can appeal to your identified target. In the case of golf tournaments, the most likely target audience would be young adults and middle-aged individuals, unless the tournament is intended for junior golfers.

2. Sketch out the flyer’s layout: For you to already have a concept on the flyer’s design, you should make a rough sketch on the layout. On your sketch, you don’t necessarily have to write the content or draw the elements in detail, simply indicate what elements to include and where to place them. While this may seem like a time-consuming step, it will pay off in the long run since, during the actual editing phase, you already know what you need to include and where you need to place them.

3. Write a draft of the content: After figuring out how you want your flyer to look with the sketch that you just made, it’s now time to figure out what content to include on your flyer. Just like the sketch, this draft is intended to serve as your guide during the actual designing phase, you will already have an idea of what content to include.

4. Download a flyer template: Designing flyers may be tedious to some people, most especially those who haven’t tried making one themselves. In order to make the task easier for them, event flyer templates are made available all over the internet for them. With templates, all they need to do is to download it and they’re all set. Templates already come with a pre-designed layout, so make sure to look for a template that closely matches your sketch.

5. Edit the downloaded flyer template: After getting your hands on a template, the next thing that you will need to do is to edit it. Thankfully, the flyer templates that we have in this article are all fully editable. As long as you’re using the right editing tool for the format that you have chosen, you’ll be able to edit the layout freely while still keeping the quality at its highest.

6. Finalize and proofread your work: The last step in the process is also the most important, finalizing and proofreading your work for any mistakes. If you wish to make last minute changes, now is the perfect time to do it. Also, you might want to ask a second opinion from another person in terms of evaluating your work, it is always best to hear another person’s feedback. And lastly, make sure to go through all your content to see whether or not there are any errors in the spelling and/or grammar. If not, then you can proceed to have your flyer printed out and distributed.

Simple Tips for an Excellent Annual Golf Tournament Flyer

Types of Flyers

1. Leaflets: Promotional leaflets are basically pocket-sized flyers, they are small but are able to hold a lot of information. The reason for its size is that it allows the advertisers to easily carry them around, place them inside the pages of magazines and newspapers, and in front of windshields.

2. Single Sheets: The standard flyer type, these ones are commonly printed on a letter-size paper stock (8.5″ x 11″). This is the most widely used flyer type because its size is just right for the amount of information that can be written on it while still managing to keep it compact.

3. Door Handle Flyers: Unlike the two other type of flyers, this one is not distributed by hand, rather, they are left on door handles for people to notice. This flyer type is commonly seen on the doors of offices and business establishments, although there are also instances wherein they are sent through the mail.

Sizes of Flyers

FAQs about Annual Golf Tournament Flyers

What is a flyer design?

A flyer design is the physical appearance that is seen on a flyer, and it involves the arrangement of the elements, the use of colors, and the utilization of an allotted space

When not distributed, where are the best places for putting up flyers?

Bus stops, school or community bulletin boards, checkout counters, reception areas, just to name a few.

You’ll never go wrong with the flyer templates that you’ve just seen. You know why? It’s because they’re professionally-designed and are actually made to stand out. Other than that, these flyer templates are relatively easy to edit, and it will actually allow you to pull off that design that perfectly suits your event.

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