Nov 12, 2024
Making tickets as a form of invitation for parties, weddings and other events is a trend nowadays. But obviously, not many people have the time or knowledge to sit and design the tickets themselves. As an alternative, there are always ready-made templates available which you could instantly download from various places, customize it the way you wish, and print it! Thanks to ticket templates, it’s all become very easy to do now. Check out the collection we have pulled up for you here.
Sample Ticket Template
Vintage Ticket Template
Carnival Admission Ticket Template
Festive events should have festive looking tickets. Download our freely available Brazilian themed carnival ticket that is bustling with colors and is surely bound to get people excited about the event. The event information in this template can be highlighted perfectly by customizing the details such as the name of the event, date, venue, and timing. For a wider selection of fundraiser ticket templates, check out more options here.
Circus Admission Ticket Template
Check out this professionally made circus admission ticket template that you can download for free. Enter the details of the circus event such as the date, time, and venue. It is available in 2×5.5 inches, and it can be easily customized in various file formats. Make the most of the circus show with this fun ticket by downloading it now!
Blank Admission Ticket Template
Here’s a beautiful and stunning event ticket that you can make use of for an upcoming ballet, dance performance, or just about any admission show. It shows an image of a ballet dancer in motion at the background of the ticket. You can download this blank admission template for free.
Blank Ticket Template
Get creative with this blank ticket template that is bursting with colors and a cute design. This event ticket design can be used for various events such as conferences, movies, sports, or any musical shows. Enter the necessary details in this template with the help of the easy customization features offered. Also, it can be downloaded and saved in multiple available file formats.
Vintage Ticket Template
Do you have a vintage themed party or event in mind? Then you will be pleased to use our vintage themed ticket that is guaranteed to fulfill your ticket design requirements. Not just particular to vintage themed events, it can also be used to any event you’re planning to organize. You can easily edit and customize this simple ticket template as it has a user-friendly interface.
Climbing Ticket Template
If you’re organizing a climbing fest for individuals to showcase their climbing talents, then you will enjoy our above-shown well-designed ticket that lets you customize and edit details of the event such as its location, date, time, ticket number, and price. The headings are placed in an eye-catching manner along with the background image of a rock climber in action. After editing, you can save this ticket in different file formats such as Word, Pub, and Pages.
Car Racing Ticket Template
Download and make use of our car racing ticket template for the upcoming car race show. It comes with images, colors, and text that are just perfect for the event. Modify the existing details of the template by replacing them with your own. Get it printed in any size of your choice after operating it on the available file formats. Find more ticket layout templates by visiting this link.
Steps to Create an Event Ticket
Step 1: Select a Theme
Before you begin creating a ticket, firstly study as to what the event is all about, and accordingly incorporate the theme in your ticket design.
Step 2: Enter Important Details of the Event
As tickets are compact when compared to the usual formal invitations, all the details of the event such as the date, time, venue, etc. must fit in the given space. Present the event information clearly and concisely, so that it is easy for people to understand without any scope left for the confusion. View a wider selection of ticket vector templates right here.
Step 3: Create the Design of the Ticket
As mentioned earlier, it is better to match the event’s theme while designing a ticket. For example, festive events can have colorful tickets, but for events such as conferences, you can keep it formal and pleasant looking. We have on our website, a wide collection of ready-made ticket templates that can be downloaded and customized easily. Explore a variety of movie ticket invitation templates here.
Step 4: Fix a Budget
Printing out tickets can get costly if you do not set aside a budget for it. So, estimate the number of tickets that you want to get printed. This way, things will go smoothly.
Step 5: Print the ticket
While printing the ticket, you must make use of a good printer. Once you are done them, you can hand them over to the respective people!
Admission Ticket Template
There’s just something about pastel colors that seem to have the power to lighten up a person’s mood. Our admission ticket upon download just does that to your audience. Apart from the beautiful pastel colors, it has good typography that gives the ticket an 80’s kind of vibe. You can edit the contents of the template conveniently after downloading it.
Party Admission Ticket Template
Baseball Admission Ticket Template
Editable Movie Admission Ticket Template
Simple Concert Admission Ticket Template
Vintage Admission Ticket
Event Admission Ticket Template
Plane Boarding Ticket Template
Rugby Tournament Ticket Template
Multi-Purpose Show Ticket Template
Night Cinema Chalkboard Ticket Template
Christmas Raffle Ticket Template
Elegant Event Ticket Template
Sample Concert Ticket Template
Editable Music Event Concert Ticket PSD Template
Rock Music Concert PSD Template
Indie Festival Ticket PSD Template?
Movie Ticket Template
If you are planning a movie night at home with your friends, movie tickets would render a further fun appeal to the overall program. You will get free download movie ticket template in attractive PSD formats which you can customize easily – you won’t need to design the movie tickets from scratch when you have the templates with you.
Movie Ticket Template
Cinema Ticket Template
Baseball Ticket Illustrator Template
Carnival Invitation Ticket Template
Summer Party Ticket Template
Printable Carnival Ticket Template
Train Ticket Template
Drink Event Ticket Template
STYLISH FABRIC Event Ticket Template
Customizable PSD Design Event Ticket Template Download
Value Friend Event Ticket Template Premium Download
Colorful Unique Event Tickets Template Download
Concert Event Ticket Template Photoshop
Free Event Ticket Template Printable
Free Event Ticket Template Printable

Design gaming tickets easily taking the help of the readymade gaming ticket outline templates which are endowed with great design, layout, and customizable features. Whether you’re a pro or a rookie at designing, the templates can be worked upon by absolutely anyone. You can showcase your skill and flair by doing up a template in Photoshop.
Printable Golden Tickets Templates Bundle
Printable Ticket Templates for Cinema, Zoopark, Airline
Concert Ticket Template
A concert usually draws a huge crowd. If you are running out of time to design so many cheap concert tickets, it’s best to rely on a concert ticket template format online that is available for free. Here you will get a ready-made blank concert ticket structure that could be modified easily with your data.
Last Minute Concert Ticket Template
Fest Concert Ticket PSD Template
Christmas Concert Ticket Design Download
Music Concert Ticket Template PSD
Retro Ticket Designs for Movie, Event
Baseball Ticket Template
If drafting a high volume of baseball tickets is overwhelming for you, you can seek help from the free baseball ticket templates options available over the internet. These sample templates come up with a pre-structured baseball ticket design draft- that you would just need to customize with your ticket information.
Baseball Event Ticket Template
Baseball Bar Ticket Invitation Template
Free Printable Baseball Ticket Template for Couples
Ticket Invitation Template
Party organizers are always searching for innovative invitation designs. At present, party invitation tickets are a big rage. You can easily download and use a free party ticket invitation template to produce your own. The formal templates are loaded with all the necessary artworks and elements, and you’re still free to customize the details. You may also see our free download ticket invitation template.
Birthday Invitation Ticket Template
Old Ticket Type Wedding Card Design
Multipurpose Retro Invitation Ticket

This particular ticket template is a fun option with which you can work within Photoshop to create a fresh design for your event’s ticket. This basic template is fully editable and you can improve elements according to your taste. This one is an easy download and is equipped with very good customization settings.
Girl Baby Shower Ticket Invitation
Party Ticket Template
Are you hosting a big party or celebratory event? Are you on the lookout for spiffy ticket designs to use? Well, good thing that the Internet has them available in abundance. Irrespective of what the event or theme is, the Internet has options and free to download template designs available for all kinds of events.
Valentine Dance Party Ticket Template
Beautifully Designed Party Ticket Template
Train Ticket Template
If a train is the theme of your birthday party, well, the good news is you will be able to get hold of the train-themed birthday invitation template too. Our train template is available online and it comes with fully editable and customizable features. You can take inspiration from other similar themed birthday invites and infuse your creativity in the template. You can also see the train ticket sample template.
Meal Ticket Template
If you have to compose meal tickets for your upcoming dinner party and you are too busy for it, then feel free to download meal ticket templates that are available online. These templates are available with ready-made meal ticket structures with appealing designs of spoon & fork- so that you don’t have to design anything from scratch. Such a food ticket template is easily modifiable.
Free Printable Meal Ticket Template Word Download
Download Now
Free Download Coffee Ticket Template in Excel
Lunch Ticket Template Free Download
Do you have to design tickets layout for the next football match and you are looking for ideas? You can take to the free football ticket template available online as here you would be getting a pre-structured football ticket sample – that you can customize easily with your specific football event data.
Circus Ticket Template
The Internet has a good and growing collection of well-designed circus show invitation templates. Just download the Circus ticket template for free and get cracking on developing an invitation card for your circus gig. The templates already contain great artwork, you would just need to edit or replace text and images according to your preference.
Printable Circus Ticket for Kids
Vintage Style Circus Ticket Design
Handmade Circus Ticket Template
Dinner Ticket Template
If you have no time to create dinner tickets for the upcoming dinner fundraiser, you can always resort to the wide variety of dinner ticket template in word samples available online. These templates appear with a pre-structured ticket framework that can be modified with your specific dinner fundraising data. They are available for free most of the time.
Vintage Dinner Concert Ticket Template
Dinner & Dance Event Ticket Template
Ticket Stub Template
Ticket stubs are necessary for fundraisers, events and raffle programs. You can opt for the free download ticket stub template available online where you will get a readymade ticket stub framework which can e modified easily. The stub could be on left or right and you will usually get 10 stubs per sheet. Check out more sports event ticket templates available here.
Admission Ticket PSD Stub Template
Download Old School Ticket Template
Sample Ticket Information Available Here
Drink Tickets Template
Hosting a cocktail party with a tall guest-list? Well, you don’t have to fret over-designing the drinking event’s invites because ready-made ones are available in abundance. Instantly download your ideal drink tickets template for free and edit them to create your preferred invitation card design.
Printable Drink Ticket Design
Cinema Drink Ticket Template
Wedding Reception Drinks Ticket
Ticket Design Template
If you find in a rush-situation to design event tickets, you can always rest your faith in the ticket templates which are available in huge numbers online. The majority of the templates are free and downloadable. To find a suitable free download ticket design template and start developing a customized blank ticket design that meets your needs and is up to the mark!
Beautifully Designed EXPO Ticket Template
Creative Event Ticket Template Design

This particular creative event ticket template in pdf is a fun option with which you can work within Photoshop to create a fresh design for your event’s ticket. This template is fully editable and you can improve elements according to your taste. This one is an easy download and is equipped with very good customization settings.
Creative Ticket Template Design for Movie Night
Blank Ticket Template
If you’re interested in a free blank ticket template, we can help you out with that. You can easily insert text and artwork of your choosing and customize the blank space as you wish. Being a blank template, you can use it for various event tickets.
Blank Plane Ticket to Print
Sports Activity Blank Editable Ticket
Free Word Document Ticket Templates Download Here
Prom Ticket Template
If you have to design prom tickets and you are looking for ideas, it would be wiser to opt for a sample prom ticket template online. Here you will get a wide variety of prom ticket blueprints in various appealing designs that you can customize easily with your prom date. These creative templates are undoubtedly great time savers.
Movie Prom Ticket Template
Modern Prom Ceremony PSD Ticket
Event Prom Ticket Template
Theatre Ticket Template
Are you about to design theater tickets for your next drama and you are running short of time? Well, not to worry as today you will get a theater ticket template example over the internet- that comes with ready-made theater ticket framework and some of them even features “Admit One”. Just simply download and customize these free theater ticket templates by entering the event’s details.
Theatre Sketch Ticket Design EPS
1870’s French Theatre Entrance Ticket
Spanish Vintage Theater Tickets Printable
Free Ticket Template
Designing an event ticket in word from scratch is a time-taking experience, especially if you’re short of time or unskilled. Thank goodness, now there are ready-made ticket templates easily available. The templates have the basic structure of an event ticket, all the elements are modifiable and the customization settings are easy to do!
Free Event Ticket Template Word Download
Free Entry Ticket Template Microsoft Word
Golden Ticket Template
Golden tickets are meant for most special events such as the inauguration of the factory. If you have to design golden tickets too for the next grand celebration in your life, the golden ticket template sample available online would be handy. These modern templates come with a readymade golden ticket blueprint that can be modified easily.
Golden Tickets Templates Set Download
Golden Silver Ticket for Event
Car Wash Ticket Template
Do you have to draft tickets for your car wash fundraiser? Well, if you are running out of time to design the tickets, simply take to a car wash ticket template sample online where you will get a pre-structured car wash ticket blueprint – so that you don’t have to draft anything from scratch.
Free Car Wash Ticket Template Microsoft Word
Car Wash Printable Ticket Free Word Doc
Airline Ticket Template
Airline tickets are fun when you are playing “Vacation” with your kids or you can also use them for your airline-themed birthday party. Much to your advantage, the online world has come up with free download airline ticket template examples so that you can get a readymade arrangement to design your tickets fast.
Airline Boarding Pass Ticket Template
Blank Airline Boarding Ticket Yellow Background
Customizable Airline Ticket Invitation Template

Vector images and illustrations are present in addition to the downloadable support. This template also includes a print-ready layout that provides the needed professional impetus besides the stock images.
Admit One Ticket Template
Writing “Admit One” in every ticket is no doubt quite a daunting and time-consuming affair. Our collection of blank templates come up with readymade “Admit One” details and blank space that can be modified with your event details.
Sports Activity Blank Editable Ticket
Admit One Cinema Ticket Template
Blank Admit One Ticket Designs
Parking Ticket Template
Parking tickets are usually used to pull pranks on friends. If you are planning any such prank on your buddy, go to the parking ticket template example online which saves you from designing the ticket from the start, with its readymade parking ticket blueprint. These templates can be easily modified. Thankfully, you don’t even have to do so, as there are hundreds of premium and free tickets templates to print, few of which can be helpful for you.
You can effortlessly print these printable parking ticket templates and then fill out the specifications yourself before using them, for instance, in case of a movie, sports or any other event ticket. You can rely on this list of best in class free ticket templates that come to you with top-class designs and well-thought-out fields that make these templates all the more useful.
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General FAQs
1. What is a Ticket?
A ticket is a small paper that is given to customers or people when they pay to attend a movie, concert, event, or to board an airplane, bus, or train. It shows that an individual is entitled to admission for a certain purpose. You can take a look at these music ticket templates provided here.
2. What are the Elements of an Event Ticket?
Following are the elements of an event ticket:
- Name of the event
- Location of the event
- Time and date of the event
- Ticket number
- Bar code
- Ticket price
- Any instructions for attendees. Find more restaurant ticket templates by visiting this link.
3. Why are Tickets Necessary?
Tickets are necessary as they are proof that an individual has paid for the services or entertainment and that he/she is entitled to admission to a particular event or service. It also gives organizers an idea about the number of people who have attended the event. View a wider selection of travel ticket templates right here.
4. What is the Ideal Size of an Event Ticket?
The idea size of an event ticket with stubs is typically 1.97″ x 5.63″. The dimensions of their easy-to-tear-off stubs are 1.875″. The most commonly used stubless ticket size is 5.5″ x 2.125″.
5. What Are Some Examples of Tickets?
Following are some examples of tickets:
- Event tickets
- Movie tickets
- Sports tickets
- Dinner tickets
- Admission tickets
- Boarding tickets
- Train tickets