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Ernest Lawrence - Let us cherish the hope that the day is not far distant when we will be in the midst of this next adventure. Template
Vin Scully - Thank you for sneaking your transistor under the pillow as you grew up loving the Tigers. God has a new adventure for me. Template
Charles Frohman - Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life. Template
Gary Gygax - There's a call to adventure. It's something in the inner psyche of humanity, particularly males. Template
National Online Learning Day Quote Vector Template
Charlie Chaplin - A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure Template
Andre Gide - It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves Template
Jacob Bronowski - Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty Template
Roberto Assagioli - There is no certainty; there is only adventure Template
J. K. Rowling - To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure Template
Henry Hudson - This land may be profitable to those that will adventure it Template
Antoine de Saint-Exupery - War is not an adventure. It is a disease. It is like typhus Template
Robert Kurson - It's never too late in life to have a genuine adventure Template
Eugene Ionesco - A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind Template
Drew Houston - Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward Template
Joseph Campbell - The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure. Template
Madeline Stuart - I am just a girl chasing her dreams and having an amazing adventure. Template
Eckhart Tolle -Life is an adventure, it's not a package tour. Template
Nikki Giovanni - We love because it's the only true adventure. Template
Amelia Earhart - Adventure is worthwhile in itself. Template
Gilbert K. Chesterton - Marriage is an adventure, like going to war Template
Roald Amundsen - Adventure is just bad planning Template
Norman Cousins - Life is an adventure in forgiveness Template
George Eliot - Adventure is not outside man; it is within Template
Christopher McCandless - The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure Template
D. H. Lawrence - People always make war when they say they love peace. Template
Maria Schell - Peace is when time doesn't matter as it passes by. Template
Benazir Bhutto - Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining the forces of terrorism. Template
Friedrich Schiller - Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful. Template
Jean-Bertrand Aristide - We must all make peace so that we can all live in peace. Template
Mahatma Gandhi - Peace is its own reward. Template
Oprah Winfrey - The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Template
Edwin Powell Hubble - Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. Template
Bitty Schram - I like to find adventure. Template
Aesop - Adventure is worthwhile. Template
Godfrey Reggio - I think it's naive to pray for world peace if we're not going to change the form in which we live Template
Elie Wiesel - Mankind must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other Template
Tacitus - A bad peace is even worse than war Template
Ugo Betti - There is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely Template
John Keble - Peace is the first thing the angels sang Template
Phyllis McGinley - Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing, peace is the measure. Template
Pope John XXIII - The true and solid peace of nations consists not in equality of arms, but in mutual trust alone. Template
Joseph B. Wirthlin - You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you. Template
International Chocolate Day Quote Vector Template
National Live Creative Day Quote Vector Template
Dalai Lama - We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves Template
Alanis Morissette - Peace of mind for five minutes, that's what I crave Template
Eleanor Roosevelt - It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it Template
Mikhail Gorbachev - What we need is Star Peace and not Star Wars Template
Thomas Fuller - It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf Template
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