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Anti-Discrimination Policy

Anti Discrimination Policy

I. Purpose

The purpose of our Anti-Discrimination Policy is to foster a work environment where all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness, regardless of their personal characteristics. This policy is designed to promote equal opportunities, prevent discrimination, and eliminate harassment based on protected characteristics. By upholding this policy, we aim to create a diverse and inclusive workplace that values the contributions and uniqueness of every employee.

II. Scope

This Anti-Discrimination Policy applies to all employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers, as well as individuals who interact with our organization, such as job applicants, clients, customers, and vendors. The policy covers all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, training, benefits, compensation, disciplinary actions, and termination. It extends to all work-related activities, both within company premises and outside, such as business trips, off-site meetings, and company-sponsored events. This policy also applies to interactions on digital platforms and social media that may impact the work environment.

III. Policy

  • Prohibited Discrimination: refers to the act of treating individuals unfairly or differentiating against them based on certain protected characteristics. These protected characteristics can vary depending on the jurisdiction and applicable laws, but commonly include attributes such as age, race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, religion, marital status, genetic information, and veteran status.

  • Harassment: refers to any unwelcome conduct, behavior, or actions that create a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment based on protected characteristics. It involves subjecting individuals to offensive remarks, slurs, jokes, derogatory comments, physical intimidation, or other forms of mistreatment based on their age, race, gender, religion, disability, or other protected attributes.

  • Bullying: refers to a pattern of aggressive, unwelcome, and intentionally harmful behavior or actions, whether verbal, physical, or psychological, directed towards an individual or group, that is based on attributes such as race, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

IV. Enforcement


1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense


Verbal Warning

Written Warning

Disciplinary Action


Verbal Warning

Written Warning

Disciplinary Action


Verbal Warning

Written Warning

Disciplinary Action

V. Complaint

Employees who believe they have been the victims of conduct prohibited by this policy or believe they have witnessed such conduct should discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor, human resources, any member of the personnel practices committee or any ombudsman.

VI. Definition

  • Bullying: Bullying can take many forms, including jokes, teasing, nicknames, emails, pictures, text messages, social isolation or ignoring people, or unfair work practices.

  • Verbal Warning: Verbal warnings are generally not documented formally but may be noted in the employee's record for reference and tracking purposes.

  • Written Warning: A written warning is a documented record of the employee's misconduct or performance concerns and serves as official notice that their behavior or performance does not meet the required standards.

VII. Commencement

This Anti-Discrimination Policy shall come into effect on June 23, 2050. It applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, clients, and individuals associated with our organization. All employees are expected to familiarize themselves with this policy, comply with its provisions, and contribute to the creation of a workplace that upholds the principles of fairness, respect, and equal opportunity. This policy shall be communicated, distributed, and made readily available to all individuals, and any updates or revisions to this policy shall be communicated accordingly. With the commencement of this policy, we affirm our unwavering commitment to a discrimination-free workplace and fostering an environment that values the unique contributions and experiences of every individual.

VIII. Approvals

John Vestige

HR Manager

June 15, 2050

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