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Rental Increase Letter

Rental Increase Notice

Dear Michael

John Doe

Property Manager

ABC Property Management

123 Main Street

City, State ZIP

Date: March 1, 2050

I hope this email finds you well. We appreciate your tenancy at our property located at 456 Elm Avenue. Over the years, we have strived to maintain a high standard of living for all our tenants. However, due to the rising costs of property maintenance and other related expenses, we have found it necessary to make an adjustment to the rental rates.

Effective July 1, 2050, we will be implementing a rental increase as indicated below:

Current Monthly Rent: $1,200

New Monthly Rent: $1,350

Here are three compelling reasons for this rental adjustment:

Property Enhancements: We have recently invested in various property enhancements to improve the overall living experience in our community. These improvements include upgraded common areas, renovated amenities, and enhanced security measures. These enhancements aim to provide our tenants with a more comfortable and enjoyable living environment.

Maintenance and Repairs: As the demand for rental properties increases, so does the wear and tear on our units. We constantly strive to ensure our units are well-maintained and offer a high standard of living. The rental increase will help us cover the costs of regular maintenance, repairs, and replacements, ensuring that your unit remains in excellent condition.

Real Estate Market: The real estate market has experienced significant inflation in recent years, leading to increased property expenses. Property taxes, insurance premiums, and utility costs have all risen substantially. To continue providing you with the best possible living experience, it is necessary for us to adjust the rental rates accordingly.

We understand that any increase in rental rates can be a concern, but we believe the value you receive from residing in our community justifies this adjustment.

We kindly request your cooperation in accepting this new rental rate. To accept, please reply to this email or sign the attached acknowledgment form and return it to our office by April 15, 2050. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Thank you for your understanding and continued tenancy. We value you as a tenant and appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


John Doe

Property Manager

ABC Property Management

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