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Termination Service Letter

Termination Service Letter

Dear Jack Cipher,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you about the termination of your employment with CreativeMinds Media. It is with regret that I must deliver this news to you. However, after careful consideration and evaluation, we have come to the difficult decision that your services will no longer be required at CreativeMinds Media.

Effective as of June-2065, your employment with CreativeMinds Media will come to an end. We understand that this news may come as a surprise, and we want to assure you that this decision was not made lightly.

There are several factors that have led to this unfortunate outcome. Despite our attempts to rectify the situation, there have been ongoing performance issues that have not shown signs of improvement. We have provided you with numerous opportunities for feedback, coaching, and improvement, but unfortunately, the desired progress has not been achieved. It is essential for our organization to maintain high standards of performance, and therefore, we believe this termination is in the best interest of both parties.

However, we want to emphasize that this decision does not diminish the value of the contributions you have made during your time with CreativeMinds Media. We recognize and appreciate the effort you have put into your work, and the skills you have brought to the team.

As part of the termination process, we will provide you with all due benefits and compensation as outlined in your employment agreement. Our HR department will guide you through the necessary paperwork and assist you in understanding the process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to them.

In addition, we would like to offer you the opportunity to participate in an exit interview. This will enable both parties to provide feedback and gain valuable insights that can help us improve our processes and work environment. If you are interested, please inform our HR department, and they will schedule a convenient time for you.

We understand that this news may be upsetting, and we want to extend our support during this transition period. We encourage you to use this opportunity to reflect on your career goals and consider your next steps. Our HR team can provide resources and guidance to help you explore new employment opportunities and offer assistance with resume building, interview tips, and networking strategies.

Once again, we genuinely appreciate your contribution to CreativeMinds Media, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Should you have any further questions or require additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jack Cipher
HR Manager
CreativeMinds Media

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