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Utility Transfer Letter

Utility Transfer Letter

Dear Customer Service Team,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Sofia Seraph and I am writing to request a utility transfer for my residential property.

I have recently moved into a new home and would like to transfer the utility services from the previous owner to my name. The details of the property are as follows:

Property Address: 123 Main Street
State: United States
Zip Code: 12345
Account Number: 987654321

I kindly request that you update your records and transfer the utility services to my name, effective from 1st May 2050. I would greatly appreciate it if you could ensure a seamless transition of services.

As a new customer, I am excited to start using your utility services and would like to take this opportunity to highlight the benefits of choosing your company:

Reliability: Your company has a proven track record of providing uninterrupted utility services, ensuring a hassle-free experience for customers.

Competitive Prices: Your rates are competitive in the market, offering cost savings and value for money.

Excellent Customer Support: Your dedicated customer service team has received exceptional reviews for their responsiveness and assistance.

Sustainable Practices: Your commitment to environmentally friendly practices aligns with my own values, making your services an ideal choice.

I am confident that by choosing your company, I will receive top-notch utility services that will meet my needs.

Please find attached the necessary documents, including proof of residence and identification, to facilitate the transfer process. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I kindly request that you confirm receipt of this letter and provide me with the estimated date of completion of the utility transfer.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Sofia Seraph
Phone: 123-456-7890

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