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Examination Accommodation Request Letter

Examination Accommodation Request Letter

Kenneth J. Rey

1375 Carson Street

San Diego, CA 92111

Dear Kenneth Rey,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Alfred S. Coble from Inclusive Learning Support. I am writing to formally request examination accommodation for one of our students for an upcoming examination scheduled for May 10, 2050.

Our student, Leonard Smith, is diagnosed with a disability that significantly impacts their ability to take exams under standard conditions. In order to ensure they have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities, we kindly request the following accommodations:

  • Extra time: additional 30 minutes for each hour of the examination, as recommended by their healthcare professional.

  • Use of assistive technology: access to a computer with adaptive software that caters to their specific needs.

  • Separate testing location: a quiet and distraction-free environment to minimize anxiety and facilitate concentration.

These accommodations are necessary to ensure that our student has an equal opportunity to succeed in their assessments. It aligns with our commitment to inclusivity and provides a level playing field for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

We understand that implementing these accommodations may require additional arrangements and logistics. We are more than willing to collaborate with the necessary authorities and provide any additional supporting documentation required to facilitate this process.

We kindly request that you consider this accommodation request and notify us of the outcome as soon as possible, but no later than April 30, 2050. This will allow us ample time to make the necessary preparations for our students.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or via phone at 222-555-7777.

We greatly appreciate your support in ensuring equal opportunities for all students, and we look forward to your favorable response.

Best regards,

Alfred S. Coble