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Internal Job Transfer Letter

Internal Job Transfer Letter

Date: Oct 2, 2050

Subject: Internal Job Transfer

Dear Employee,

We are writing this letter to officially inform you about a transfer in your position within BlueHorbon Tec.. Effective as of Oct 2055, you will be transferred to a new role and department in our organization. This decision has been made to Skill development.

Your new position will be Systems Engineer in the Information Technology department. In this role, your primary responsibilities will include specific responsibilities. The transfer will also entail a change in your reporting structure, and you will now report to New Supervisor.

We believe that this transfer will provide you with valuable opportunities for growth, development, and new challenges. We are confident that your skills and expertise will contribute greatly to the success of the Information Technology department.

Please note that with the transfer, some adjustments may accompany the change. This may include changes in your working hours, location, or other relevant aspects. We will provide you with all necessary information and support to ensure a smooth transition. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department.

We value your contributions to CloudNova Software and trust that you will approach this new opportunity with the same dedication and professionalism you have demonstrated throughout your tenure. We believe that this transfer will be mutually beneficial and contribute to your career growth within our organization.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to your continued success in your new role.

Best regards,

John Doe

HR Manager

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