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Dress Code Waiver Letter

Dress Code Waiver Letter

Michael Sanchez

418 Beaver Rd.

Houston TX 77037

[email protected]

222 555 7777

June 8, 2050

Daniel Cooper

Solas Corporation

2845 Military Trail

West Palm Beach, FL 94901

Dear Daniel Cooper,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Michael Sanchez from Solas Corporation. I am writing to request a waiver of the dress code for an upcoming event organized by our company.

The event, which is scheduled to take place on June 25, 2050, is a casual party aimed at celebrating the successful completion of a major project. We believe that allowing employees to dress casually for the event will help create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, fostering stronger team bonds and boosting employee morale.

Solas Corporation values the well-being and satisfaction of its employees, recognizing the importance of work-life balance. We believe that facilitating a change in attire for this event will contribute positively to our company culture and strengthen our sense of community.

We understand that maintaining a professional appearance is crucial in our industry. However, we assure you that we will still adhere to the core values of our company during the event. Our employees will be reminded to dress tastefully, ensuring that the relaxed dress code does not lead to any inappropriate attire.

In addition to the intangible benefits of enhanced employee engagement and satisfaction, there are practical reasons for waiving the dress code for this event as well. By allowing our employees to dress casually, we believe that they will feel more comfortable and be able to fully enjoy the festivities, potentially leading to increased productivity and creativity in the workplace moving forward.

Based on the significant contributions and dedication demonstrated by our team throughout the year, we kindly request your approval to waive the dress code for this event. We are confident that this small gesture will go a long way in strengthening camaraderie and boosting team spirit at Solas Corporation.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to receiving your favorable response by June 10, 2050. Should you have any concerns or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or via phone at 222 555 7777.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Michael Sanchez

Event Coordinator