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Office Vacation Letter

Office Vacation Letter

Biotech Innovators

789 Oak Drive
Apartment 7C
Coryville, USA 67890


Employee ID: 123456

+22 444 3333

Date: 30-04-2023


Emily Johnson

HR Head / Employer

Company Name

123 Street, City, State, Zip Code

Dear Ms. Johnson,

I am writing to formally request a vacation from work for the following period: 07/03/2022 to 09/08/2023. My reason for requesting this vacation is to take some time off to relax and recharge.

I have carefully considered the impact of my absence on the department and have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I have informed my team members about my vacation request and have arranged for a colleague to handle any urgent matters that may arise in my absence.

Please find attached a detailed handover document that outlines the current status and progress of my ongoing projects. I will also be available via email during my vacation in case of any emergencies or if there is a need for my input on any critical matters.

During my absence, I kindly request that any non-urgent emails or tasks be directed to my designated colleague, Liberty University, at [email protected]. They have been briefed on my responsibilities and are fully capable of handling any tasks that may require immediate attention.

I trust that my request for a vacation can be accommodated, given the advance notice provided and the thorough arrangements made to minimize any disruption to the team and the company. I believe this vacation will not only help me rejuvenate but also contribute to my overall productivity upon my return.

Thank you for your consideration of my request. I look forward to your positive response.


Emily Johnson

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