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Informal Complaint Letter

Informal Complaint Letter

Jane Smith

456 Elm Avenue

Suite 302

Suburbia, USA 54321

Date: November 15, 2025

James Anderson
Suncrest Heights
789 Oak Drive

Apartment 7C

Cityville, USA 67890

Dear Mr. Anderson,

I am writing this formal complaint letter to address a specific issue that was raised in my previous informal complaint letter sent on October 28, 2025. Unfortunately, I have not received a satisfactory resolution or any response regarding the matter.

In the previous letter, I expressed my concerns regarding the quality of the product I purchased from your company. Despite multiple attempts to contact your customer service department, I have not been able to reach a representative who can assist me with resolving this issue. This lack of response and assistance has caused me great inconvenience and frustration.

As a valued customer, I expect prompt and satisfactory customer service. However, the lack of communication and resolution from your company has greatly disappointed me. I trust that you will take immediate action to address this matter and provide me with a viable solution.

I look forward to receiving a prompt response from you regarding this formal complaint. Please acknowledge this letter and provide me with a clear explanation and resolution regarding the concerns raised in my previous informal complaint letter.


Jane Smith

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