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Gym Complaint Letter

Gym Complaint Letter

Sender's Address:

Robert Johnson

789 Oak Drive

Apartment 7C

Cityville, USA 67890


January 1st 2050

Recipient's Address:

James Anderson

Gym Management

303 Cedar Court

Lot 15

Countryside, USA 45678

Dear Mr. Anderson,

I am writing this letter to express my deep dissatisfaction with the lack of cleanliness and maintenance at your gym. As a long-standing member, I have noticed a significant decline in the overall hygiene and functionality of the facilities.

Firstly, the cleanliness of the gym is subpar. The gym floor is often covered in sweat and debris, posing a potential health hazard to users. The equipment, including treadmills and weight benches, is frequently dirty and not properly sanitized. It is essential for a gym to maintain a clean environment to ensure the well-being of its members.

Secondly, there have been ongoing issues with the maintenance of equipment. Many of the machines are in poor condition, with broken parts and malfunctioning mechanisms. This not only limits the effectiveness of my workouts but also puts me at risk of injury. I have brought these concerns to the attention of your staff multiple times, but no significant improvements have been made.

Lastly, the overall organization and management of the gym are lacking. There is a constant shortage of clean towels, and the changing rooms are often unattended and unkempt. The absence of proper supervision and management reflects negatively on the credibility of the gym and its commitment to providing a quality experience for members.

I request that immediate action is taken to address these concerns. As a loyal member, I believe that the gym has the responsibility to provide a clean and well-maintained environment for its users. Failure to do so not only impacts my personal satisfaction but also tarnishes the reputation of the gym.

I look forward to hearing a prompt response from you regarding the steps that will be taken to rectify these issues.


Robert Johnson

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