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Property Tax Appeal Letter

Property Tax Appeal Letter

Sender's Address:
Michael Brown
202 Maple Street
Village Heights, USA 34567
[email protected]
+(01) 252 369 452

Date: Aug 05, 2040

Recipient's Address:
Property Tax Appeal Letter
Property Tax Office
123 Main Street
Rural Town, USA 12345

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to appeal my property tax assessment for the property located at Property Address. As a diligent property owner, I have carefully reviewed the assessment and believe it is inaccurate and unfair.

After conducting thorough market research and considering relevant property valuation factors, I propose an adjustment to the assessed value of the property. My proposal is as follows:

1. Adjusted Assessed Value: $ 50000
2. Financial Terms: I kindly request a reassessment of the property based on this proposed value.
3. Additional Conditions: Any specific conditions or requests regarding the reassessment process or documentation, if applicable.

I would appreciate having a due diligence period of 50 Days for inspections or further investigations. During this time, I may engage professionals to evaluate the property thoroughly for an accurate assessment.

For any further discussion or to provide additional documentation, please feel free to reach me at the contact information provided above. I am available at your convenience.

I express my genuine interest in resolving this matter amicably and look forward to a fair reassessment of the property taxes. I firmly believe that with the proposed adjustments, the assessment will more closely align with the market value of the property.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I await your prompt response and appreciate your consideration.


Michael Brown
[Your Signature]

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