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Credit Card Late Fee Waiver Letter

Credit Card Late Fee Waiver Letter

Karla Ramirez

119 Coburn Hollow Road,

Peoria, IL 61602

[email protected]
222 555 7777

August 27, 2060

Amanda Aguilera

Credit Card Services

824 Forest Avenue,

New York, NY 10016

Dear Ms. Aguilera,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a Credit Card Late Fee Waiver.

As a responsible credit card holder, I have always ensured timely payment of my credit card bills. However, due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to make the minimum required payment by the due date of August 25, 2060, resulting in a late fee charge of $150.

I understand that the late fee is imposed as a consequence for failing to meet the payment deadline. However, I kindly request your consideration in waiving this fee based on my otherwise consistent payment history and the circumstances surrounding this exceptional occurrence.

During the month of July, I faced an unexpected financial burden that greatly impacted my ability to make the payment on time. Due to a sudden medical emergency. Despite my best efforts, I could not fulfill the payment obligations within the specified timeframe.

Moreover, I believe it is important to highlight that this late fee, if not waived, would have a significant adverse impact on my financial situation. As a loyal customer with an untarnished payment history, I sincerely hope the credit card company can empathize with my situation and grant this waiver.

Enclosed with this letter, please find the necessary documentation, including medical report, in support of my request.

I understand that each request is evaluated on its individual merits, and I am grateful for the opportunity to present my case. Should you require any additional information or documentation to consider my request, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address provided above.

In summary, I kindly request that you exercise your discretion in granting me a Credit Card Late Fee Waiver in light of the circumstances I have presented. Your understanding and consideration in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your favorable response.


Karla Ramirez

119 Coburn Hollow Road,

Peoria, IL 61602

[email protected]
222 555 7777