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Paternity Leave Letter

Paternity Leave Letter

Arnold Hernandez

2301 Pickens Way,
Longview, TX 75601

[email protected]

222 555 7777

April 5, 2060

Carrie Anderson


GastroGarden Restaurants

1775 Flanigan Oaks Drive
Rockville, MD 20850

Dear Ms. Anderson,

I am writing to formally request paternity leave to attend to important family matters following the birth of my child. The purpose of this leave is to give me the opportunity to bond with my newborn child and provide necessary support to my family during this special time.

I would like to request leave starting from April 8, 2060, and ending on May 9, 2060. During my absence, I have made arrangements with my team members to ensure a smooth continuation of my responsibilities. I trust that they will handle any urgent matters that may arise in my absence.

I am committed to returning to work on May 10, 2060, and resuming my duties with dedication and focus. In case of any urgent matters that require my attention during my leave, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected].

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me paternity leave. I am confident that my team will manage the workload efficiently in my absence. I look forward to returning to work and providing my best contributions.

Yours sincerely,

Arnold Hernandez

2301 Pickens Way,
Longview, TX 75601

[email protected]

222 555 7777