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Complaint Request Letter

Complaint Request Letter

700 Plantation Dr.

Richmond, TX 77406

March 6, 2060

Jamie Cooper

Customer Service Representative

1032 Vander Way

Longview, WA 98632

Dear Mr. Cooper,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally file a complaint against Phoenix Digital regarding a defect in one of their products that I recently purchased.

Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alice Floyd and I am a customer of Phoenix Digital. I have been a loyal customer of your company for several years now, and I have always admired the quality and reliability of the products you offer. However, my recent experience with one of your products has left me greatly disappointed.

On March 5, 2050, I purchased a Phoenix Digital XYZ Widget from the ABC Electronics Store. After only a few days of use, I noticed a significant defect in the product's functionality. The widget frequently shuts down unexpectedly, rendering it useless for the purpose I intended. This defect has caused inconvenience and frustration for me, as I rely heavily on this product for my daily operations.

I must emphasize that I have always trusted Phoenix Digital for providing high-quality products. Thus, I believe this defect is an anomaly, and I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter swiftly. As a loyal customer, I expect and request that Phoenix Digital take responsibility for this defect and provide a suitable solution.

I propose two possible resolutions to rectify this situation:

  1. Repair or replace the defective widget at no additional cost to me. This would allow me to continue utilizing your company's product without further inconvenience.

  2. Offer a full refund for the purchase of the product. While this would mean parting ways with a product I once held in high regard, I believe it is a fair resolution considering the circumstances

I would appreciate a prompt response from your side, preferably within the next five business days. This will allow me to make an informed decision on how to proceed. I trust that Phoenix Digital values its customers and will take the necessary steps to resolve this complaint to my satisfaction.

In case you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me through the provided contact details below:

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I believe in the integrity of Phoenix Digital and I am confident that this complaint will be addressed promptly and professionally.


Alice Floyd