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Refund Request Letter

Refund Request Letter

November 9, 2050

Dear Denisse Marillo,

I am writing to formally request a refund for a product/service that did not meet my expectations or was unsatisfactory. I hope that we can resolve this matter in a fair and timely manner.

First and foremost, I would like to express my disappointment with the product/service provided by Smart Solutions. As a loyal customer, I had high expectations, but unfortunately, my experience did not meet them.

Based on your company's refund policy, I believe I am entitled to a refund. The product/service did not perform as advertised and did not meet the quality standards expected. I have attached the relevant documents and purchase information for your reference.

As a customer, I value the relationship I have built with your company over the years. I appreciate the professionalism and quality of service that Smart Solutions has consistently demonstrated. However, this recent experience has left me feeling dissatisfied and disappointed.

In light of this situation, I kindly request a full refund of the amount I paid for the product/service. It is my belief that this is a fair and reasonable resolution to the issue at hand.

I understand that mistakes can happen, and I hope that Smart Solutions takes this opportunity to rectify the situation and restore my confidence in your products/services. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Santos Luper

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