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Contract Non-Compliance Letter

Contract Non-Compliance Letter

Sarah Wilson

303 Cedar Court
Lot 15
Countryside, USA 45678

01 Pine Lane
Unit 12
Rural Town, USA 23456

Dear Sophia,

I hope this letter finds you well. We would like to bring to your attention the issue of contract non-compliance regarding the agreement between our company, Atlas Logistics Corporation, and yourself as the recipient.

The purpose of this letter is to outline the terms and conditions of the contract in a clear and comprehensive manner. By signing this contract, both parties agree to the following:

Parties Involved: The contract is entered into between Atlas Logistics Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Company," and Sophia, hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient."

Scope of Work or Services: The Company agrees to provide architectural design services for the construction of a new office building, as detailed in the attached project specifications and plans. The Recipient agrees to cooperate and provide any necessary information and approvals required for the successful completion of the project.

Payment Terms: The total agreed contract amount is $100,000, payable in three installments. The first installment of $30,000 is due upon acceptance of this contract, the second installment of $40,000 is due upon completion of the project's structural work, and the final installment of $30,000 is due upon project completion.

Deadlines: The Company shall commence work on July 1, 2022, and expects to complete the project within six months. Any changes to the project timeline will be agreed upon in writing by both parties.

Deliverables: The Company shall provide detailed architectural plans, engineering drawings, and necessary permits as outlined in the project specifications. The Recipient shall review and approve these deliverables within ten business days of receipt.

Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during the course of this contract. This includes, but is not limited to, project plans, technical specifications, and financial records.

Breach of Contract: In the event of any breach of contract, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to seek legal remedies, including but not limited to, monetary damages and termination of the contract. The breaching party shall be responsible for any additional costs incurred by the non-breaching party to rectify the breach.

Please review the attached contract thoroughly. If you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above, kindly sign and return a copy to us no later than June 15, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this contract, do not hesitate to contact us.

We believe this agreement will serve as a strong foundation for a successful project partnership. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your compliance.


Sarah Wilson

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