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Staff Relieving Letter

Staff Relieving Letter

Ace Ford
Alexon Accounting

Kettle Run Rd.

Honolulu, HI 96819
[email protected]
222 555 7777

June 1, 2050

Heather Mills

Alexon Accounting
009 Westview St.

Honolulu, HI 96819

Dear Heather Mills,

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to confirm the resignation of one of our valued employees and notify you of their last working day and pending dues.

It is with regret that we accept your relieving resignation from Alexon Accounting. We understand that circumstances change, and we respect your decision to pursue new opportunities. Your contributions to our company have been greatly appreciated, and you will be missed by the entire staff.

Your last day of employment with Alexon Accounting will be on June 30, 2050. We kindly request you complete any pending tasks and ensure a smooth transition of your responsibilities during this time. If you have any handover notes or documents, please share them with your immediate supervisor or the HR department.

Regarding your pending dues, we would like to assure you that all your entitlements will be processed and settled accordingly. Our finance team will calculate and disburse your final salary, including any accrued benefits or gratuity, within 30 days from your last working day. If you have any outstanding expenses or reimbursements, please submit them by July 15, 2050, so that we can process them for reimbursement.

If you have any questions or require any further assistance during the transition or settlement process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our HR department at [email protected] or call us at 222 555 7777. We are here to support you and ensure a smooth departure from the company.

Once again, we extend our gratitude for your dedicated service to Alexon Accounting, and we wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

Best regards,

Ace Ford

Alexon Accounting