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Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter

December 01, 2050

Johanna T. Gress
1123 Straford Park

Cumberland, KY 40823

Martha B. Anderson
HR Manager

OptiQA BPO Solutions

105 Barrington Court

Cumberland, KY 40823

Dear Martha B. Anderson,

I am writing this letter to formally resign from my position as a Quality Assurance Analyst at OptiQA BPO Solutions. Please accept this resignation effective immediately.

I have recently been presented with a new job opportunity that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals and offers greater professional development prospects. After careful consideration, I have decided to accept this new position, which requires me to resign from my current role.

I am grateful for the valuable experiences and opportunities for growth that OptiQA BPO Solutions has provided me during my time here. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with a team of dedicated professionals like yourself in delivering high-quality results to our clients.

I will ensure a smooth transition of my duties and responsibilities before my departure. I am available to discuss any handover procedures or provide training to my replacement, if necessary.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the management, my colleagues, and the entire team at OptiQA BPO Solutions for their support and guidance throughout my tenure. I have genuinely enjoyed being a part of this organization.

Please let me know if there are any specific clearance procedures or paperwork that I need to complete before my last working day, which will be December 10, 2050.

Thank you once again for the opportunities and experiences I have had at OptiQA BPO Solutions.


Johanna T. Gress
Quality Assurance Analyst

Company Email: jgress@OptiQA BPO Solutions

Personal Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: 222 555 7777