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Employer Permission Letter


Emily Davis

Stellar Tech Solutions

101 Pine Lane Unit 12

Rural Town, USA 23456

[email protected]

222 555 7777

Michael Smith

456 Elm Avenue

Suite 302


USA 54321

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission as your employer, Stellar Tech Solutions, for a specific matter that requires your approval.

Recently, we have been presented with an opportunity to attend a professional development conference targeted towards experts in our industry. This event, PROFESSIONAL Expo 2025, is renowned for its high-quality presentations and networking opportunities. Attending this conference will allow us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in our field, further enhancing our expertise.

In order to attend this conference, we kindly request your permission to take the following measures:

1. Granting leave of absence for the duration of the conference, from May 10th to May 12th.

2. Reimbursing travel expenses such as airfare, accommodation, and registration fees up to $1500.

3. Providing a budget allowance of $300 for additional expenses incurred during the conference.

4. Ensuring that all work responsibilities will be fully covered by arranging for a colleague to handle urgent tasks during the absence.

I assure you that attending PROFESSIONAL Expo 2025 will greatly benefit both my professional growth as well as Stellar Tech Solutions. The insights and knowledge gained from this conference will enable me to contribute even more expertise within our company.

Thank you for considering this request. I am confident that, given the opportunity, I will return with valuable insights and connections that will positively impact our business.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you approve this request, so that I can proceed with the necessary arrangements. I am available at your convenience to discuss any further details or address any concerns you may have.

I appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement towards continuous professional development.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Davis
Stellar Tech Solutions
[email protected]
222 555 7777