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School Resignation Letter

School Resignation Letter

June 4, 2053

Geneva Minor

School Superintendent

Harmony Academy
Tucson, AZ 85714

Dear Ms. Minor,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally resign from my position as Principal at Harmony Academy, effective June 15, 2053.

Due to personal reasons, specifically relocation, it is with sincere regret that I have made the decision to step down from my role at Harmony Academy. The opportunity to work alongside such a dedicated and talented team has been nothing short of inspiring. I have greatly valued my time here and am proud of the accomplishments we have made together.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as Principal at Harmony Academy and have learned immeasurable skills and knowledge that will undoubtedly benefit me throughout my career. I am grateful to have had the chance to contribute to the growth and development of the school and its students.

I understand that my departure may impose certain challenges, and I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition. Please let me know how I can assist in this process.

Thank you for the opportunities, guidance, and trust you have bestowed upon me during my time at Harmony Academy. I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved together and believe that the foundation we have built will lead to a bright future for the school.

Should you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the provided contact information above.

Once again, thank you for everything, and I wish you and the entire Harmony Academy community continued prosperity and success.

Cornelia Gaiser