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Rent Increase Letter

Rent Increase Letter

Olivia Anderson
789 Pine Road, Villagetown,

Districtville, 54321
[email protected]
Phone: 222 555 7777

456 Elm Street
City, State, ZIP

Dear Olivia,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you about an upcoming change regarding your rental agreement for the property located at 456 Elm Street.

Rent Increase

After careful consideration and review of the current rental market conditions, we have determined that a rent adjustment is necessary. Starting from January 1, 2051, your monthly rent will be increased to $1,200. This increase reflects the rising costs of property maintenance, utilities, and market demand for rental properties in the area.

We understand that this increase may come as a surprise, but we assure you that it is in line with the current rental market trends. We strive to provide you with a well-maintained property and excellent service, and this adjustment will enable us to continue doing so.

Payment Details

The new rental fee of $1,200 should be paid monthly, starting from January 1, 2051. We kindly request that you make the necessary arrangements to adjust your recurring payment to reflect this change. Please ensure that the payment reaches us by the due date each month to avoid any late fees or penalties.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this rent increase, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at the provided email address or phone number. I am more than happy to address any queries you may have.

Once again, we appreciate your tenancy and look forward to continuing our positive landlord-tenant relationship. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.


Olivia Anderson
Property Owner