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Organization Partnership Letter

Organization Partnership Letter

Logan Miller

Email: [email protected]

December 11, 2060

Jean Pieper

CareSync Foundation

572 Prospect Valley Road

Los Angeles, CA 90017

Dear Mr. Pieper,

We are delighted to formalize our partnership with CareSync Foundation to advance our shared goals in promoting education and community development.

Terms of Partnership:

  1. Objectives: The primary objectives of this partnership are to enhance educational opportunities for underprivileged youth and to collaborate on community development projects.

  2. Roles and Responsibilities: LifeLink will take the lead in organizing educational workshops and providing mentorship programs, while CareSync Foundation will contribute by facilitating community engagement initiatives and offering financial support.

  3. Duration: The partnership will be effective from January 1, 2061, to December 31, 2061.

  4. Resource Commitments: LifeLink commits to a financial contribution of $50,000 annually, along with providing expert speakers for educational events. CareSync Foundation commits to a financial contribution of $30,000 annually and will leverage its network to promote community participation.

  5. Communication: Regular communication will be maintained through monthly progress meetings and quarterly reports exchanged via email.

  6. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during the partnership, including but not limited to financial data and strategic plans.

  7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved through mediation, with both parties agreeing to appoint a neutral third party within 30 days of a dispute arising.

  8. Termination Clause: The partnership may be terminated by either party with a 90-day written notice.

We believe that this partnership will create a significant positive impact on our community. Please signify your agreement by signing below.


Logan Miller