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Partnership Declaration Letter

Partnership Declaration Letter

December 25, 2023

Abigail Thornton

101 Oak Lane, Apt 8B

Hillcrest, CA 92139

Dear Abigail,

I, Noah Moore, residing at 1474 Poplar Ave., San Diego, CA 92139, hereby declare my intention to enter into a partnership with Abigail Thornton, residing at 101 Oak Lane, Apt 8B, Hillcrest, CA 92139, for the purpose of conducting a software development business.

The partnership shall be known as "PureVibe Partners," and its principal place of business shall be located at 456 Whispering Meadows, Unit 33, Serenity Cove, CA 92139.

The contributions of each partner to the partnership capital are as follows:

  1. Noah Moore's Contribution: $50,000 in cash.

  2. Abigail Thornton's Contribution: $50,000 in equipment and intellectual property.

Profits and losses shall be distributed among the partners as follows:

  • 50% to Noah Moore

  • 50% to Abigail Thornton

Other terms and conditions of the partnership include:

  1. Decision-Making: Major decisions shall require the unanimous consent of both partners.

  2. Responsibilities: Noah Moore shall be responsible for project management, while Abigail Thornton shall oversee technical development.

  3. Duration: The partnership shall commence on January 1, 2054, and continue until terminated by mutual agreement.

This Partnership Declaration is not a legally binding document on its own, and we intend to formalize our partnership through a comprehensive Partnership Agreement. We understand the importance of clarifying our roles, responsibilities, and expectations in a legally enforceable manner.

We look forward to working together and building a successful partnership.


Noah Moore