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Truck Driver Resignation Letter


Sarah Wilson

222 555 7777

Lavender Hotel

Kevin Clark

202 Maple Street

House A

Village Heights, USA 34567

Dear Mr. Clark,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as a DRIVER at Lavender Hotel. Please consider this letter as my official notice.

Working at Lavender Hotel has been a valuable experience, and I am grateful for the opportunities and knowledge gained during my tenure. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to pursue a new career path that aligns better with my long-term goals.

I believe it is important to leave on amicable terms, so I am committed to completing any pending tasks and ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. My last working day will be October 31 2025.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire staff at Lavender Hotel for their support, guidance, and cooperation throughout my employment. I have enjoyed being part of a dedicated team committed to providing outstanding service to our customers.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or documents I need to complete as part of the resignation process. I am more than willing to assist in any way to ensure a seamless transition for my replacement.

Once again, I want to thank you and the entire management team for the opportunities and experiences I have had at Lavender Hotel. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained will serve me well in my future endeavors.

Should you require any further information or discuss any aspects related to my resignation, please do not hesitate to contact me through my phone number 222 555 7777 or via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your support during this transitional period.


Sarah Wilson