Free Work Excuse Medical Letter Template



Free Work Excuse Medical Letter Template

Work Excuse Medical Letter

Dr. Kevin Phillips


Celestine Clinic

222 555 7777

January 1, 2050

Ms. Deborah Wayne

Operations Manager

Solace Agency

600 Pine St.

Seattle, WA 98101

Dear Ms. Wayne,

I am writing this letter to provide a medical excuse for an employee who is unable to attend work. The patient's name is Jonathan White.

Mr. White has been experiencing severe symptoms and is currently under medical care. Due to their condition, they are unable to perform their duties at work.

We highly recommend granting them the necessary time to recover and rest. It is crucial for their well-being and overall health.

If you require any further information or have specific concerns regarding Jonathan White's absence, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available for further discussion and assistance.

Thank you for your understanding.


Dr. Kevin Phillips

Celestine Clinic