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Medical Letter for Airline Refund

Medical Letter for Airline Refund

Dr. Charles Ford, MD
2845 Military Trail

West Palm Beach, FL 94901
January 1, 2050

Jill Winters
Kettle Run Rd.

Honolulu, HI 96819

Dear Ms. Winters,

I am writing to support the claim of Mr. John Doe for a refund of his canceled flight, which was scheduled for 1st January 2050. Mr. Doe, a patient under my care, suffered a serious injury that rendered him unable to travel on his planned date.

As his attending physician, I can attest to the severity of his condition and the urgent need for him to receive medical treatment. Due to this unforeseen circumstance, it was necessary for Mr. Doe to cancel his flight. He was unable to provide advance notice of his cancellation due to the sudden nature of his injury.

I kindly request that you consider granting a full refund to Mr. Doe as a gesture of goodwill, understanding the exceptional circumstances surrounding his cancellation. The financial burden of the flight cost, coupled with his medical expenses, would greatly impact Mr. Doe's ability to continue his necessary medical care.

If you require any additional information or documentation to support this request, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available for further discussion at your convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue are greatly appreciated.

Dr. Charles Ford, MD