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Letter To Request Health Plan


Sarah Wilson
123 Main Street
City, State, ZIP Code

Emily Davis
Citadel Financial Health Insurance
456 Oak Avenue
City, State, ZIP Code

Dear Ms. Davis,

As a valued member of Citadel Financial Health Plan, I am writing to request your assistance in reviewing and considering my health plan for the upcoming year.

I have been a loyal and satisfied member of Citadel Financial Health Plan for several years, and I appreciate the excellent coverage and quality of care that I have received. However, I believe it is time for a thorough evaluation of my current health plan to ensure that it still meets my needs and provides the best value for my healthcare expenses.

Recently, I have encountered some health issues that require specialized care and treatments. After conducting diligent research and gathering feedback from healthcare providers, I have identified certain services and facilities that would greatly benefit me in managing my health effectively. These specialized providers are not currently covered under my existing health plan, and I believe that their inclusion would significantly enhance my healthcare experience and outcomes.

I understand that expanding the coverage of my health plan may require additional costs. However, I have carefully reviewed my budget and resources, and I am confident that I can contribute towards the increased premiums or any necessary adjustments to ensure my continued access to quality care. I am also open to discussing alternative options or compromises that would still align with my healthcare needs.

I kindly request your consideration and support in this matter. Enclosed with this letter, you will find comprehensive documentation detailing the benefits and advantages of including these specific services and providers under my health plan. The evidence presented highlights the potential cost savings, improved health outcomes, and overall patient satisfaction that would be achieved by offering these expanded coverage options.

Thank you for taking the time to review my request. I believe that by working together and considering my suggestions, we can enhance the effectiveness and value of my health plan, ultimately benefiting both parties. I welcome an opportunity to further discuss this matter at your convenience.

Thank you again for your attention to this request.


Sarah Wilson

[email protected]

222 555 7777