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Affidavit Employment Verification Letter

Affidavit Employment
Verification Letter

July 15, 2050

George Thompson
50 Main St.

Brattleboro, VA 05301

Dear Mr. Thompson,

Subject: Employment Verification Affidavit

I am writing this affidavit to verify the employment details of Samuel Orion Brent, an employee of Solas Corporation. Samuel Orion Brent was hired on January 1, 2050, and is currently employed as a Senior Editor.

Samuel Orion Brent was born on January 1, 2030, and their current address is 456 Elm St., New York, USA 56789. They are a citizen of the United States. Furthermore, please find the attached documents confirming his employment and identity.

I hereby confirm, under the penalties of perjury, that the information provided in this affidavit is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge. Should you require any further assistance or information regarding Samuel Orion Brent's employment, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.


Selene Johnson
Chief Human Resources Officer
Solas Corporation

Sworn and subscribed before me on this 15th day of July 2050.

Notary Public
State of California