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Warning Letter For Teacher Absenteeism

Warning Letter For Teacher Absenteeism

Jane Smith

101 Pine Lane
Rural Town, USA 23456
Date: November 28, 2051

Emily Davis
123 Main Street
Urban City, USA 54321

Dear Emily Davis,

Subject: Warning Letter for Performance Issues

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your performance issues at CloudNova Software. It has come to our attention that your recent work output and quality have not met the expectations outlined in your job description. This misconduct undermines the overall productivity of our team and is not in line with our company's standards.

Specifically, the following performance concerns have been observed:

  1. Frequent delays in meeting project deadlines

  2. Inattention to detail resulting in multiple errors in your work

  3. Lack of initiative in taking on additional responsibilities

It is imperative that you rectify these performance issues immediately. Failure to do so may result in further consequences, including but not limited to, a reduction in responsibilities, loss of opportunities for advancement, and potential termination of employment.

We expect you to take the necessary steps to improve your performance and meet the following expectations moving forward:

  1. Adhere strictly to project deadlines and communicate any potential delays in advance

  2. Pay closer attention to detail and review your work thoroughly before submission

  3. Take proactive steps to learn and take on additional responsibilities within your role

We want to emphasize the seriousness of this situation and the potential consequences of repeated violations. It is crucial that you demonstrate significant improvement in your performance to ensure your continued employment with CloudNova Software.

If you have any questions or require assistance in addressing these concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I can be contacted via email at [email protected].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Jane Smith
Human Resources
CloudNova Software