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Work from Home Letter from Employer

Work From Home Letter from Employer

Devon Ross


[email protected]

October 1, 2050

Jason Goodman

Sales Agent

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Goodman,

I am writing to inform you about a change in your schedule as you will now be working from home. This decision has been made by Phoenix Digital to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees during these uncertain times.

Starting from October 6, 2023, you are required to work from home until further notice. This change in your work arrangement is in response to the current global situation and is aimed at minimizing the risk of exposure to the seasonal flu occurring at the office.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adapting to this new work arrangement. We appreciate your commitment to Phoenix Digital and look forward to your continued success.


Devon Ross