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Contract Letter for House Rental

Contract Letter for House Rental

May 7, 2050

Rafael Kane

3915 Crutcher Street,

Little Rock, AR 72118

Dear Mr. Kane,

I hope this letter finds you well. This correspondence is to summarize the rental terms and conditions agreed upon between you, as the tenant, and Royce Realtor, as the property management company.

  1. Duration: The term of this rental agreement will commence on May 14 and continue for a period of December 29, 2050.

  2. Rent: The monthly rental amount will be $200. Payment shall be made by cash on the first day of each month.

  3. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement by providing a written notice.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please do not hesitate to contact us. We aim to ensure a mutually beneficial and harmonious rental experience.

Thank you for choosing Royce Realtor. We look forward to your prompt response to proceed with the necessary paperwork.


Oliver Planor