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Internship Contract Letter

Internship Contract Letter

Sarah Kritchel

HR Manager
Oceanic Explorations

4121 Pinewood Drive
Des Plaines, IL 60016

[email protected]

Novemebr 12, 2055

Jocelyn Mercedes

454 Palmer Road
Columbus, OH 43215

Dear Jocelyn Mercedes,

I am writing to you on behalf of Oceanic Explorations to clarify the expectations and responsibilities of both parties involved in your upcoming internship.

Role of the Intern: As an intern at Oceanic Explorations, you will be assigned the role of Marine Researcher.

Tasks and Responsibilities: During your internship, your main task and responsibility will include: Conducting research on marine ecosystems and species.

Expected Learning and Growth: We believe that this internship will provide you with a valuable learning experience.

If you have any concerns, queries, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

If you agree to the terms, kindly sign and return the attached copy of this letter by November 18, 2055. Once we receive your signed acceptance, we will consider it as a formal agreement between yourself and Oceanic Explorations.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Kritchel
Oceanic Explorations