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Racing Sponsorship Proposal Letter

Racing Sponsorship Proposal Letter

August 18, 2050

Paula Eisen
18 Brickman Ave.
Riley, KS 55432

Dear Paula Eisen,

My name is Giovanni Himmel, representing G1 Aura Racing Team. We are an upcoming racing team with high ambition, dedicated to delivering spectacular performances, and straight first-class entertainment. We have a wealth of promising young talent on our roster, and we believe our team holds great potential in the future of racing. In order to make our vision a reality, we are reaching out for your much-needed sponsorship.

With your sponsorship, we promise to provide substantial visibility for your brand through various platforms, harnessing the power of our racing events to directly increase your reach. We look forward to discussing the specific ways we can partner and the benefits that you will receive as our esteemed sponsor. This partnership offers significant marketing potential, and we would be grateful for your support. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] for any questions or further discussion.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you to mutual benefits.


Giovanni Himmel

General Manager
G1 Aura Racing Team