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Company Vacation Leave Letter

Company Vacation Leave Letter

February 1, 2059

Samantha Bryans

Human Resources Department

Catalyst Cybersecurity

4872 Pick Street
Aurora, CO 80011

Dear Ms. Bryans,

I am writing to formally request for my vacation leave that I plan to take from February 8, 2059, to February 13, 2059. The purpose of this leave is to spend some quality time with my family as we haven't had a holiday together in a while.
I have made sure that my team is up to speed and all the projects that I am currently handling is under control.

During my absence, I've designated a second in command who can handle any important decisions in my stead. Rest assured, I will go through all the emails and updates upon my return so no tasks will be left behind.

Best Regards,

Gracey Adams