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Vacation Leave Request Letter to Manager

Vacation Leave Request Letter to Manager

February 10, 2050

Debra H. Bailey

HR Department,
Stellar Horizon Technologies
4430 Sardis Sta

Fort Worth, TX 76106

Dear Ms. Bailey,

I am writing to formally request vacation leave from February 25, 2050, until February 27, 2050.

I plan to take a much-needed break to rest and rejuvenate during this time. As you are aware, the nature of my work is such that a break is needed periodically to prevent burnout and preserve the quality of work.

To that end, I have ensured that all my current projects are up-to-date, and I have also made arrangements with my colleague Claire Watson to oversee any issues that may arise during this period. In case of any emergencies or queries, I will be available via email.

I'd appreciate it if you could grant me this leave so I can return refreshed to deliver my responsibilities more efficiently. I assure you that my absence will not adversely affect the functioning of our team.

I appreciate your understanding. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Frances V. Finnegan

Marketing Associate