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Vacation Leave Letter for Security Guard

Vacation Leave Letter for Security Guard

June 1, 2050

Jewel E. Esqueda
HR Department
Apex Peak Ventures
1883 Leisure Lane

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Dear Ms. Esqueda,

I am writing to formally request a vacation leave from June 16 – 19, 2050. Due to personal reasons and family needs, I need to take this time off and address these issues. I assure you that all the security measures and responsibilities will be handed over to my colleague for that period.

During my absence, my colleague Jake Santos will be handling my responsibilities. I trust in his competency and reliability, and I assure you that all operations will go smoothly during my leave period.

Upon my return, I am committed to catching up with any work I will have missed during my vacation. I hope you will grant me this time off, and I look forward to your positive response at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours sincerely,

Maynard Howell

Security Guard