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Vacation Leave Letter to HR

Vacation Leave Request to HR

January 31, 2050

Elsa J. Navarrete
Human Resources Department
Vertex Vista Enterprises
1885 Skinner Hollow Road

Eugene, OR 97405

Dear Ms. Navarrete,

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence for a vacation between March 15 and March 18, 2050. I have not taken any leaves in the past few months and have ensured that all my assigned projects are on schedule.

I understand the responsibilities of my position and have, therefore, planned my vacation during a relatively less busy or critical period for the company. During my absence, a colleague of mine, Mary Jones, will oversee my duties. She knows the critical aspects and is kind enough to cover for me.

This short break will allow me to rejuvenate and return with increased productivity and enthusiasm. I apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and appreciate your understanding and support.

I look forward to your affirmative response to my leave request. Please let me know if I need to address any issues or formalities.

Thank you for considering my request.

Best Regards,

Myra M. Unknow

Executive Assistant