Free Notary Travel Letter Template



Free Notary Travel Letter Template

Notary Travel Letter

February 1, 2050

Grace Adams

Case Officer

The Embassy

210 Blissful Boulevard

Bliss Blossom, IL 56789

Dear Ms. Adams,

This letter confirms that Ms. Olivia Wright, an employee of our organization, will be traveling to New Zealand for business purposes. The trip's core purpose is to perform notarial duties under her role as a certified Notary Public for our organization.

The trip will commence on March 3, 2050, and Ms. Wright plans to return on March 17, 2050. Traveling to New Zealand is necessitated by the pressing demand to authenticate and witness signatures on legal documents originated in the country.

We kindly request your understanding and cooperation in facilitating Ms. Wright's travel and stay arrangements during this period. Your assistance in this matter will ensure that we continue offering our crucial notary services uninterruptedly to our clients who rely on us for their critical operational processes.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation.


Jonathon Smith

Supreme Notary