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Thank you Letter to Leadership Coach

Thank you Letter to Leadership Coach

January 15, 2050

Owen Holland


Phoenix High School

909 Cedar Lane, Unit 89

Springfield, CA 90230

Dear Coach Holland,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a few months since the end of the Leadership Coaching sessions that you held for our school, yet the impact of your teachings is still very vivid and alive. At this point, I thought it would be appropriate to express my gratitude for your knowledge and guidance.

Your leadership coaching was not just informative but also transformative. The concepts you taught were applicable to our sporting endeavors and have also provided lessons that can be applied in life. You've made essential concepts understandable even for those new to leadership. I appreciate how you kept the sessions engaging, irrespective of the topic.

You have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds, and we will forever be grateful for your valuable input. It would be an understatement to say you're just a coach as you've become our mentor, guiding us sternly yet kindly toward growth.

The students under your tutelage couldn't have asked for more. We are fortunate to have been impacted by such an outstanding faculty member. Your mastery of the subject and dedication were apparent at all times. My only hope is that more generations of students are fortunate enough to gain from your insight and wisdom in the future.


Jamielynn Smith
