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Apology Letter to Coach

Apology Letter to Coach

May 12, 2050

Benjamin Hayes

165 Wolf Pack Rd.

Greenville, NE 50660

Dear Mr. Hayes,

We hope this letter finds you well. We wanted to take this time to apologize on behalf of the Greenville High School Athletics Department for a recent incident wherein the coaching staff may have misbehaved within the context of their roles.

The culture we strive to foster within our Athletic Department places a high value on respect, positivity, and mutual growth. It has come to our attention that this may not have been the experience during a recent training session, and for this, we are sincerely sorry.

We want you to know that we take these situations very seriously. An internal investigation is underway, and any necessary actions will be taken based on its findings. Our students and their families must have as much confidence in our coaching staff and the methods they employ as we do.

We sincerely regret any discomfort that may have occurred because of this incident and thank you for your understanding as we take measures to prevent this from happening again.


Jonathan Anderson

Head Coach

Greenville High School