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Rental Agreement Letter for School

Rental Agreement Letter for School

Principal Cain Lewis

10 Nathaniel Blvd.

Englewood, NM 07631

August 1, 2050

Dear Class 8,

This letter serves as the rental agreement between Principal Lewis, the lessor, and Class 8, the lessee, for the rental of the School Hall. This agreement is specifically regarding the venue for your upcoming Romeo and Juliet play. The primary aim of this agreement is to clearly state the terms and regulations for this rental agreement.

According to this rental agreement, Class 8 is granted permission to use the School Hall for the Romeo and Juliet play on the agreed-upon dates. With the signing of this document, the lessor and lessee are aware of their obligations and rights as per state laws and regulations.

The lessor promises to provide the said property in a clean and ready-to-use state. The lessee is obligated to return the property in the same condition, save for regular wear and tear.

Both parties hereby agree that in the event of any damage occurring to the property during the rental period, the lessee is responsible for the requisite reparations. In the event of any legal dispute arising from this agreement, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the local courts.

Please sign and return a copy of this letter to confirm your agreement with the terms stated above. In case of any queries, feel free to reach out at [email protected] or 222 555 7777.

Best regards,
Principal Lewis