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Permission Letter for Election Campaign

Permission Letter for Election Campaign

Scarlett Walsh


Maple Tree Campaign

707 Maple Road

Lakeside, CA 90235

June 25, 2050

Ms. Esther Lee
606 Ash Street, #789

Hillcrest, CA 90220

Dear Ms. Lee,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I request your permission to conduct an election campaign in your esteemed facility. As a candidate for the upcoming elections in 2050, I desire to advocate for policies that will profoundly effect positive change in our community. Discussion and raising awareness about these policies are the backbone of this campaign.

We believe that conducting this campaign at your place will be beneficial as it will allow us to reach out to our constituents and discuss meaningful matters in our community. Rest assured, we will keep the facility clean, orderly, and peaceful.

Thank you very much for considering our request.


Scarlett Walsh