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Complaint Reminder Letter

Complaint Reminder Letter

July 25, 2050

Caleb Evans

876 Tranquil Terrace
Whispering Woods, GA 56789

Dear Mr. Evans,

I hope this letter reaches you in good health. I am writing to follow up on the complaint I submitted on July 19, 2050, regarding my experience with my internet connection over the past few weeks

Despite being a loyal customer for 10 years, I have noticed a significant decline in the reliability and speed of my internet service. The problems include frequent disconnections, slow download and upload speeds, and overall poor performance.

I have already performed basic troubleshooting steps, such as resetting the modem and checking for any physical issues with the router, but the problems persist. These issues are not only affecting my ability to work from home effectively but also impacting my overall online experience.

I kindly request that you investigate the matter promptly and provide a solution to address these concerns. I need to have a stable and high-speed internet connection for both professional and personal purposes. I have attached screenshots of speed test results taken at various times of the day for your reference.

I understand that technical issues may arise, but as a paying customer, I expect a level of service that reflects the terms of our agreement. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and hope to see a resolution soon.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Scarlett Miller

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