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Bank Complaint Letter

Bank Complaint Letter

October 19, 2050

Ernest Castellanos


Campbell Bank

2493 Kemper Lane,

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Dear Mr. Castellanos

I trust this correspondence reaches you in good health. I am writing to express my profound concern regarding a recent incident involving unauthorized transactions on my account. I believe that open communication is crucial in resolving such issues, and I hope this letter will contribute to a swift resolution.

Upon reviewing my monthly statement, I promptly discovered that transactions that occurred on October 16, 2050, were not authorized by me. As a responsible account holder, I prioritize the security of my account, and the occurrence of unauthorized transactions is both distressing and alarming.

I kindly request an immediate investigation into the nature and origin of these transactions, reversal of funds associated with the unauthorized transactions, and enhanced security measures to prevent future unauthorized access.

Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email address. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in promptly resolving this issue.


Michael Maloney

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