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Business Partnership Termination Letter

Business Partnership Termination Letter

August 11, 2050

Ms. Freya Thomas


Dream Frame Co.

808 Pine Court

Hilltop, FL 33128

Dear Ms. Thomas,

With due respect and regret, I am writing to inform you about terminating our existing business partnership. Due to unresolvable circumstances, it has become necessary to end this professional relationship. Please consider this letter as formal notification of the termination, which will be effective immediately as per the terms outlined in our partnership agreement.

During our partnership, your contributions and commitment towards our shared business goals have been exemplary, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all your efforts. If there are any pending tasks or duties related to the partnership, please complete them at your earliest convenience.

I am hopeful that this decision will bring new possibilities for both of us and our professional journeys. Looking forward to maintaining our amicable relations in the future. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,

Faith Wilson

CEO of Miss Creation

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