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Event Management Business Partnership Letter

Event Management Business Partnership Letter

July 1, 2050

Izzie Harris

CEO and Owner

Viva Spaces Studios

101 Pine Street

Hillside, TX 75001

Dear Izzie Harris,

In light of recent events and considerations, I find it crucial to address the current state of our business partnership. While it has been an enriching journey, I have decided that dissolving our business partnership may be the best option for our mutual growth and individual business directions.

This decision was not taken lightly after thorough consideration and discussions with advisors and other close confidants. It is important to emphasize that this resolution is not a reflection of our relationship but a strategic decision for the longevity of both our businesses. I am hopeful our professional relationship will continue on a different footing. I believe that, independently of each other, we can succeed in our respective businesses and continue adding value to our sectors.

Your immediate attention and consent are needed to proceed with the formal dissolution of our partnership. I look forward with great optimism to our pleasant cooperation and am confident we can navigate this change with grace and mutual respect.


Iditha Martin

CEO of Harmony Home

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