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Dissolve Business Partnership Letter

Dissolve Business Partnership Letter

July 8, 2050

Ezra Pierce


Dynamo Craft Co.

505 Oak Road, Unit 36

Brookside, FL 33125

Dear Mr. Pierce,

I am respectfully communicating my decision to dissolve our current business partnership. This decision is not born from disagreement or discord but rather due to strategic choices and shifting business needs. I sincerely appreciate our time together and acknowledge your valuable contributions to the partnership.

I want to proceed with the legal aspects equitably, professionally, and timely. Thus, I propose we engage our respective legal representatives to create a fair dissolution process that will honor the partnership we have developed over the years. Please consider this letter a formal request to start the dissolution proceedings and reach a settlement amicably.

Thank you for being so understanding regarding this matter. I value our professional relationship and am confident that this dissolution will be met with respect and fairness. I look forward to future opportunities where our paths might cross again in a different capacity.


Layla Parsons


Pixel Quotient Marketing

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